Monday, 19 November 2007

Incremental backup of a windows folder on a linux server

Here is a simple way of incrementally storing a backup of data on a windows machine to a linux server. This is inspired by the Time Machine on the Mac and the description on of how to do the same on any *nix. The The small script uses a rsync port to windows called cwrsync. I have set up a ssh keypair to ease the operation.
Paste this into a .bat-file:

echo on
Set CURRENTDATE='%date%-%time%'
Set REMOTEPATH=/home/user/rsyncbackup
Set LOCALPATH=/cygdrive/e/Documents
rsync -azP --delete --link-dest=%REMOTEPATH%/current %LOCALPATH% %REMOTESERVER%:%REMOTEPATH%/%CURRENTDATE%
ssh %REMOTESERVER% "rm %REMOTEPATH%/current && ln -s %CURRENTDATE% %REMOTEPATH%/current"

Change the REMOTEPATH and LOCALPATH to something that suits you. Once correctly set up you can remove the PAUSE and state "echo off" to silently run this at set intervals.